Frequently Asked Questions

  • Salter Brothers is investing in Civic with a proposal to create a new lifestyle precinct adjacent to Glebe Park, comprising two new hotels, a diversity of apartments, fresh new retail, and connections and shared ways for residents, hotel guests, students and the local community to enjoy.
  • The site is located at 1 Binara Street, adjacent to Glebe Park and the National Convention Centre Canberra and Casino Canberra.
  • Salter Brothers is the long term owner of the Crowne Plaza hotel that is on this site, and will continue to own the new hotels in the proposed precinct. They have engaged a strong local design team, led by award winning Cox Architecture, to prepare a masterplan.

Salter Brothers is proposing a new lifestyle precinct comprising:

  • New luxury hotel
  • New lifestyle hotel
  • Two new residential apartment buildings
  • Fresh new retail to complement the area
  • Event spaces
  • City walk improvements and a shared way connecting both hotels.
  • The site is owned by Salter Brothers, one of Australia’s largest hotel owners with more than 4,700 rooms across 35 hotels in Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Newcastle and Perth.
  • As a hotel owner and operator, rather than a traditional developer, Salter Brothers approaches mixed-use development with a mindset that is about delivering quality experiences for guests, residents, customers and visitors based on excellence in built form, customer service and amenity.
  • They have engaged a strong local design team, led by award winning Cox Architecture, to prepare a masterplan.

Salter Brothers consideration for the local community has been important in creating the masterplan.

Key areas of the proposal include:

  • New housing for the local community
  • New retail and dining experiences, activating key street frontages
  • Local employment opportunities
  • Enhancing City Walk
  • New Shared way unlocking southern part of Glebe park
  • A laneway providing pedestrian and cycling connectivity
  • New Shared way providing improved connections to Glebe Park
  • City Walk activation

There is currently no public parking on the site and there will not be any provided in the proposed development. Parking will be provided on site for the residents with reference to the Territory Plan, and also onsite and offsite parking will be available for hotel guests.

Sustainability is at the heart of our approach to design and development of the new lifestyle precinct. Sustainability initiatives we are investigating include the following:

  • Fully Electrified Development
  • As part of the design, sustainability initiatives targeted for energy efficiency / greenhouse gas emission reduction as well as lower embodied carbon materials
  • Passive Design principles adopted including shading and high-performance energy efficient facades
  • Design to achieve high quality, healthy internal environments

We recognise this is an important consideration for neighbours and the local community. A Construction Management Plan will be prepared by the builder that is selected for the project.

The proposed buildings will be approximately 14 storeys tall, and within the maximum permissible building height in the City Centre of RL617m.

  • There will be some overshadowing of Glebe Park during parts of the day.
  • The existing Manhattan on the Park, Park Avenue and Highgate developments, and also the existing hotel currently overshadow the park after 3pm.
  • Overshadowing of Glebe Park currently occurs during the afternoon as a result of existing developments.
  • Shadow diagrams have been prepared to show the impacts of the proposal, and these will be submitted as part of the Development Assessment.

We anticipate lodging a Development Application in June 2024

  • Pending approvals, construction is anticipated to start in 2026. It is anticipated that construction will take around 30 Months.

We are keen to get feedback from the community about the proposal, and more information about how to share thoughts and comments is available here.