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This website has been prepared by Salter Brothers Operations Pty Ltd ACN 602 615 083 (Salter Brothers Operations), a corporate authorised representative of Salter Brothers Asset Management Pty Ltd ACN 119 833 760 which holds Australian Financial Services Licence 308 971 (SBAM). Salter Brothers Operations, SBAM and their respective related bodies, associated entities and affiliates form part of the Salter Brothers group of companies (Salter Brothers Group). SBAM is the trustee of all funds managed by the Salter Brothers Group (Salter Brothers Funds).

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If you are considering investing in a Salter Brothers Fund, you should obtain and have regard to the risks outlined in the relevant disclosure documents applicable to the corresponding Salter Brothers Fund.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Salter Brothers Operations and its related bodies’ corporate and each of their respective, directors, partners, advisors, officers and affiliates (Representatives) expressly disclaims any and all liability (whether direct, indirect, consequential or contingent), including, without limitation, any liability arising out of fault or negligence on the part of any person, for any loss, expenses, damages or costs arising from the use of information contained on this website including representations or warranties or in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information, statements, opinions or matters, express or implied, contained in, arising out of or derived from, or for omissions from, this website including, without limitation, any financial information, any estimates, projections, forecasts or forward-looking statements and any other derived financial information. Anyone proposing to rely on or use such information should independently verify and check the accuracy, completeness, reliability and suitability of the information and should obtain independent and specific advice from appropriate professionals or experts.